Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jerry the lizard

There's a lizard in my bedroom! The first time I saw it I was pretty freaked out :) but it's been a couple of days now and I think we've learned to co-exist. I hear lizards are good to have around anyway - they feed on some bugs. I shall adopt it… and I shall call it Jerry!

If I get a picture of Jerry I'll post it here.

12/7 Update: Here is a picture of my handsome Jerry!


Yolis said...

Better the lizard than the spiders!

Kasia said...

lol..I have a lizard roomate too and her name is Lizzy :)

Tzviatko Chiderov said...

I think Jerry and Lizzy should be friends... Does she hide a lot? Jerry keeps to himself most of the time, so I think having more friends would be good for him :)

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