Saturday, December 4, 2010

Weather and beach vacation for the holidays

It's been pretty warm around here lately. Aaaand, it just so happened that this heat wave hit right after I got a pretty bad sun-burn from the weekend in Inhaca. Bad timing weather, bad timing. Buuuuut, I shouldn't complain about the weather at all - considering it's pretty cold in Chicago by now. I'm happy to be here, enjoying the warm and wet summer of Mozambique.

Training is going well. Kelly and I are not actively participating in the Portuguese lessons, but we do take part in the other training sessions - health, finance, security, etc. Most everyone here takes a couple of weeks off around the holidays and training should be done just before that. Since it appears that I won't be going to Zimbabwe until after New Years, I will be spending the holidays in Mozambique. In fact a few of the Mozambique VSO volunteers and I are planning a beach vacation around the coast! We are finalizing details, but it will likely be a 2-week trip to Vilanculos and Tofo, and then back to Maputo. Both of these towns are supposed to be some of the best vacation spots in Mozambique, with beautiful beaches and tons of water activities. We may even spend a couple of days on a boat somewhere. More to come soon, but I am already getting very excited about it.


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